
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why I can't speak as Autistic, yet

Happily Clueless writes Why I can't speak as Autistic, yet on Happily Clueless

On Monday I will start my new job, as regular employee. It is a great milestone for me, and I am proud of my successes in the working world, however small they might be with respect to those of my peers (my grad school classmates, for instance). It has been quite hard for me to achieve this, not only because of the dreadful situation of the job market, but also because I perform poorly at interviews (especially the “group” kind) in spite of my knowledge and experience. 

Every time I applied to a job, part of me wanted to say that that I have Asperger’s and to have an opportunity to get through the interview process that is equal to that of my peers, I need some adjustments. To tell the truth, I don’t know what adjustments in particular - maybe some quiet time between an interview and another, or to know a bit more in detail what is going to be evaluated. I just know that after talking with anybody for one hour or so I can be completely exhausted or even feverish - I have to admit my weakness that I can’t physically go through a day of interviews and small talk. 

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