
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Autistics speaking

EmmaGoodall sends in "Autistics speaking"

Autistic speaking day - I think speaking requires both more than words and less than speech. It is not about what we say out loud, but how we communicate. A poem or a painting can speak from within with more power and passion than some spoken words. Alternatively a piece of theatre or music can move people emotionally or lead people to questions themselves and those around them in such a deep way they they change the way they live their lives. All of these require people to be open to learning from another, whether by watching their play or reading their poem or listening to their spoken words. My wish is that autistics are given the opportunities to communicate to people who are open to hearing/seeing from them and learning. The spoken word is not the most valuable form of communication, though it can be easier to hear, this does not guarantee listening.

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