Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Sad Little Autistics Can't Get Girlfriends and That's Not a Bad Thing

Dani Alexis writes Sad Little Autistics Can't Get Girlfriends and That's Not a Bad Thing from Autistic Academic

Sad Little Autistics Can't Get Girlfriends and That's Not a Bad Thing

How many TV shows and movies now feature sad white cishet autistic guys who can’t get dates now? I’ve lost count.
Plenty has been written about tired-ass stereotypes in shows like Atypical and The Good Doctor, and I’m not interested in rehashing it here. Nor, to be honest, am I even particularly interested in revisiting the stuff on gendered expectations of dating and emotional labor that Emma and I did a while back (the first post of which is here if you missed that particular rabbit hole back when).
I am interested, on this year’s Autistics Speaking Day, in speaking about the following points:
1. Yeah, we flirt weird.
When I headcanon fictional characters (or real people) as autistic, it’s usually because I’ve noticed one or more traits:

1 comment:

  1. The traits you notice - I might see those too in fiction.

    "Yeah, we flirt weird" ... and more.


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